Komrij's patentwekker

Komrij's Patentwekker
(Komrij's patented alarm clock)  
Author(s) Gerrit Komrij
Country Netherlands
Language Dutch
Publisher De Bezige Bij
Publication date 2007
Media type Print
Pages 31
ISBN 9789023422624
OCLC Number 150290338

Komrij's Patentwekker (Komrij's patented alarm clock) is a "deliciously filthy"[1] book of poetry by Dutch author Gerrit Komrij, first published in 1974. The book contains four poems which outline a fictional invention—an alarm clock that consists of a burning candle inserted in the sleeper's anus, containing markings for each hour to be spent sleeping. The deeper the candle is inserted, the earlier the sleeper rises; the inventor acquires a patent on his idea.[2][3] The four poems are formalist, like the rest of Komrij's poetry. They have three quatrains each, rhyming a b a b in pentametric lines.

The poems are inspired by a suggestion in Non Olet by Collofino[4] (ps. of Josef Feinhals, 1867–1947).[5] They were first published (apparently without the author's permission) in a series called Amsterdamse Cahiers by Amsterdam printer and publisher C.J. Aarts, supposedly on the occasion of the 1974 edition of Poetry International, an annual Dutch poetry festival. He later republished the poems (with the author's permission) in 1982. They were included in Komrij's anthology Alle gedichten tot gisteren ("All the poems until yesterday"). In 2007, the poems were again republished separately, with 12 black and white illustrations by Dick Matena.[4]

Komrij's patentwekker is an audience favorite; in 1996, 22 years after its first publication, Komrij's reading of it in Tilburg in 1996 had the audience of the annual Night of the Book festival in stitches.[6] The poem fits in a tradition of scatological and rectal poems,[7] many of which were collected by Komrij in his Komrij's Cacaphonia: An Encyclopedia of Shit (2006). The poem is often associated with Komrij,[2] and it is one of the most popular "light" Dutch poems.[3]


  1. ^ Fortuin, Arjen (2007-03-09). "Een vreemd gas uit de longen: Schiften in 23 titels over scherts, satire en ironie". NRC Handelsblad. http://www.nrcboeken.nl/recensie/een-vreemd-gas-uit-de-longen. Retrieved 2009-07-19. 
  2. ^ a b Jongstra, Atte (2006-06-23). "De dikke Dumas: Het kookboek van de schrijver van De drie musketiers". NRC Handelsblad. http://www.nrcboeken.nl/recensie/de-dikke-dumas. Retrieved 2009-07-19. 
  3. ^ a b Schilders, Ed (2007-03-02). "Lachen om de kont, en de anus in het bijzonder" (in Dutch). de Volkskrant. http://www.volkskrant.nl/archief_gratis/article583850.ece/Lachen_om_de_kont,_en_de_anus_in_het_bijzonder. Retrieved 2009-07-19. 
  4. ^ a b Komrij, Gerrit; Dick Matena (2007). Komrij's Patentwekker; Verlucht met 12 vrolijke prentjes. Amsterdam: De Bezige Bij. p. 31. ISBN 9789023422624. 
  5. ^ Komrij reprinted the poems in his Komrij's Kakafonie, with the note "Met dank aan [With thanks to] Collofino, Non olet." Komrij, Gerrit (2006). Komrij's Kakafonie: Encyclopedie van de stront. De Bezige Bij. p. 169. ISBN 9789023419075. 
  6. ^ Ven, Hans van de (2008-09-15). "Nacht van het boek". Stadsmuseum Tilburg. http://www.geheugenvantilburg.nl/component/option,com_raadplegen/Itemid,11/id,1138/. Retrieved 2009-07-19. 
  7. ^ Wit, Hendrik-Jan de (September 2007). "Poep met een papje". LitNet. http://www.litnet.co.za/cgi-bin/giga.cgi?cmd=cause_dir_news_item&cause_id=1270&news_id=25201&cat_id=218. Retrieved 2009-07-19.